Collection: Oase

Oase is a German company that designs and manufactures products for aquariums, gardens, and water features. Oase products are known for their quality, innovation, and energy efficiency.


Aquariums: Oase aquariums are high-quality and unique design objects. 
Garden and irrigation pumps: Oase pumps are safe, efficient, and sustainable. 
biOrb: Oase biOrb design objects can be used underwater or above water, and can be used to grow tropical plants or keep small fish. 
Ponds: Oase products can be used to create ponds, small water worlds, and irrigation and drainage systems. 
Waterfalls: Oase offers a variety of waterfalls, including stainless steel waterfalls, Aber Falls Drop, and Aber Falls Step. 


Oase was founded in 1949 as a repair company.
Oase is now a world-leading manufacturer of aquatic equipment.